Goals and Objectives
DP World operates over 78 operating marine and inland terminals supported by over 50 related businesses in over 40 countries across six continents. All these business use different systems for their accounting, procurement and HR.
The management has decided to implement a uniform system for all the companies of DP World. The objective is to use a uniform chart of accounts, a uniform internal controls and uniform processes. Oracle Fusion which is an advance cloud based solution was chosen as the preferred system.

Project Team members
The project is led by the corporate head office group finance team with the support of Oracle corporation as the implementation partners. I lead the implementation for DP World UAE region which comprises of 5 business units namely: Ports & Terminals, Parks & Zone, Dubai Trade, World Security and Smart Solution Logistics. Other team members include our in-house IT, Procurement and human capital teams.

Project Scope
To implement a new cloud based ERP for the business units in DP World UAE Region by the 31st March 2019.

Challenges faced
Most of the subsidiaries operate in different regulatory environments, different system, different chart of accounts. Hence, bringing all these together and aligning them into a single global chart of accounts was the most challenging part of the project.

My initiatives
I reviewed the chart of accounts for all the business units and played an important role in designing the global chart of accounts. I also designed the system requirement which then produced a global template to be used by all the companies of DP World globally.

Project Outcome
The project is still ongoing and this section will be updated once the project is completed.

Lessons I learned
The project is still ongoing and this section will be updated once the project is completed.